Trace of Life & Making of

Trace of Life & Making of

Since the very beginning of Charlee’s journey she has been searching for the perfect breast. She has looked at, cut and enlarged many thousands of pictures, looking for the perfect shape, line and background. In 2007 she said she had finally found her image. Her cutout was about 400×400 pixels.

As usually with a new idea she worked with the image for some months, leaving the results and coming back to it, while working on her other series.

Her first version we together looked at was the red/yellow-gold version. The shaky trace is there and the basic colour contrast. With her giving directions on what she wanted to achieve and see, we arrived at the blue/orange-trace version.

Some days later the, for us heady and intoxicating process, resulted in the first basic version of blue & yellow. Since working with and thinking about colors is what our art and work is all about, the yellow with the blue trace version came almost automatic.

We have 3 color-areas… What does that mean?

A couple of hours thinking, debating and trying resulted in a triple trace with Mondriaan’s red – yellow – blue colors.

Where are we? What do we have, is this art? Is this beauty? Where can and needs this to go…

Over the next years, Charlee composed with colors and beauty, while I worked on the trace-line.

Our evaluation sessions comprised endless choices yes, no, maybe, why not on trace color combinations in between Picasso’s and other singles she was working on.

Trace of Life comes Together (2012/13)

Sofar we had not come up with a satisfying method to show the true beauty of these works. Most of our other works can only be printed, due to the detail and color-spectrums, but Trace of Life requires something different to bring it together.
We tried many techniques to create a solid feeling, but none satisfied.

At about the same time Charlee finished her collection of triples, doubles and singles and my trace was reaching perfection at 5500×5500 px, we found a collection of acrylic color-examples and discovered it could be laser-water-cut in shapes.

The use of this material will give full, deep, somehow translucent colors.
The work will be amazing in feel and eternal look.

3 acrylic sheets size (minimum 100 cm x 100 cm x 15 mm) (maximum 250 cm x 250 cm x 15 mm) are water/laser cut in 3 parts (left-trace-right)  The 9 parts are sorted in 3 panels. A high-tech frame around each panel to ensure tension and fixation.

2014-2016 The Gaia Lives! series

The future?

Building facades