Trace of Life & Sequences

Trace of Life & Sequences

The sequences is what Trace of Life is all about. Not just the sequence of the colours within a panel, which is most obvious with the singles, but the power of changing the sequence of the panels itself. The doubles demonstrate that ability the easiest. Two main colours with a contrasting and supporting one. One of the main colours is dominating; pushing in; the other is pushing out; trying to be free… Now change the sequence of the two panels: where does the domination go? or does it stay in harmony? What do YOU feel?

Now apply this to the triples, the quads, the double & singles… change them on your wall and feel your emotions change!

Change the sequence of the panels, split them up, hang them on opposite sides of your room, or in different rooms: You decide!

Note: some triples, as the Mondriaan´s have a reversed version, where the internal sequence is just one dimension off. Only 1 reversion per triple is possible! Not all of the possible reverted versions are however shown on this website, but some are…